2021年5月23日 星期日

[布蕾家居] 精臣雲打印NiiMbot(蘋果)app/(安卓)apk下載連結分享/教學/檔案備份 驅動程式

精臣打印,精臣,打印程序下載,無線打印,無線打印APP,藍牙打印,藍牙打印APP,便攜式打印,便攜式打印APP[布蕾家居] 精臣雲打印NiiMbot(蘋果)app/(安卓)apk下載連結分享/檔案備份 驅動程式





Print whatever you want, anytime, anywhere.JC Print is a software that provides mobile, convenient and intelligent printing services,connect to the printing device via Bluetooth,easy to access the built-in 1000+ industry label template,at the same time, you can also use the voice input, scan code recognition, etc. to customize the edit print content.It is the leading intelligent service platform in the field of printing.


1.蘋果版本請至app store直接下載即可

2.安卓手機版本可下載apk檔案安裝, 或到google paly 商店搜尋 [精臣雲打印] 下載安裝

本站備份apk檔案連結:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1utZttXoplhvivVLkbmbswvQE2zYVjORb/view?usp=sharing