TimeMachine 0.1
The Timemachine is a program to load previous firmwares and custom firmwares from memory stick
using pandora. Like devhook, but working throgh pandora and custom ipl's, it would work even if the
flash and nand ipl of the machine is destroyed.
The timemachine is useful to run software that is not supported anymore, and also as a way of
booting psp's even if the internal firmware is destroyed. It can also be useful for developers
to test their homebrew in different firmwares.
時間機器0.1版 (
Currently the timemachine can install the following firmwares:
- Original 1.50 (can only be loaded on the phat)
- 1.50 with some 3.40 hw modules. Can be loaded on both, phat and slim.
- 3.40 OE (can only be loaded on phat)
- 3.60 M33 (can only be loaded on slim)
Rest of cfw will be added in the future.
- 原始1.5(只針對老P)
- 帶有3.40固件模塊的1.5,新P老P都適用
- 3.40OE(只針對老P)
- 3.60M33(只針對新P)
Requeriments of time machine:
- The timemachine itself doesn't require any firmware, only a pandora battery.
Timemachine nand boot in slim, requires, however, 3.90 M33-2 or greater.
- The timemachine installer requires 2.71 SE or higher.
- 時間機器本身並不需要任何系統支持,僅僅需要潘多拉電池。新P需要3.90m33-2或更高才可以從nand啟動。
- 時間機器的安裝程序需要2.71SE或更高系統
Instructions: Copy the TIMEMACHINE folder to /PSP/GAME and run.
All firmwares can be installed on whatever PSP (slim or phat), but they can only be used
in the psp indicated in the option.
Explanations of options:
- Option 1: Install iplloader. This will install the timemachine iplloader in the memory stick.
The iplloader is so small, that doesn't require any mspformat to have been done before.
This step is necessary to run anything else.
The iplloader of the timemachine is a multiipl loader that can load multiple ipl's accorrding
to key configurations found in the file /TM/config.txt (this file will be created by the timemachine installer).
- 選項1:安裝IPL加載器,把時間機器的IPL加載器安裝到記憶棒上。加載器很小,不需要對記憶棒進行mspformat格式化。
The default configuration is to load the ipl's with the following keys:
- 1.50: cross
- 1.50+3.40hw: circle.
- 3.40 OE: triangle.
- 3.60 M33: square
- Pandora/DC1-4 ipl (converted to TM format): digital up
- Anything else: will boot the firmware installed on flash.
(Note: as said before, in the slim,
only nand firmwares with 3.90 M33-2 or higher can boot. Neither prvious CFW nor whatever original
firmware can boot from nand when booted from a Pandora battery due to a Sony protection that has to be bypassed by the own nand ipl code).
- 1.50:叉
- 1.50+3.40hw:圈
- 3.40 OE:三角
- 3.60 M33:方塊
- 潘多拉電池1到4版的IPL(轉換為TM格式):方向鍵上
- 其他:啟動PSP本身系統
You can modify this configuration following the instructions of the file config_readme.txt that
will be written on the /TM folder after installing the iplloadder.
- Option 2: Convert pandora IPL into TimeMachine format.
Because the ipl used in pandora and DC1-DC4 (they are all same) is not compatible with the
timemachine ipl format and user may want to load pandora/DC1-DC4 with the TM iplloader, this option
is for that.
Requeriments: the ipl of pandora/DC1-DC4 in the root of the memory stick, named "msipl.bin".
This file is written by Pandora and DC1-DC4 installers.
After convertion, the converted ipl will be in /TM/pandora.bin.
- 選項2:把潘多拉的IPL轉換成時間機器格式
潘多拉的IPL和時間機器的不兼容,因此需要用TM IPL加載器來加載潘多拉的IPL。
- Option 3: Install 1.50.
It will install 1.50 which can only be run on the psp phat (for a 1.50 that can be installed on
the slim go to the next section).
Requriments: the eboot.pbp of 1.50 in the root as 150.PBP
- Option 4: Install 1.50 with 3.40 HW modules. (PSP PHAT or SLIM).
This will install a mix of 1.50 software modules with some 3.40 hardware modules, so
it can work on the psp slim. It will usually run most 1.5 homebrew.
Requriments: 1.50 and 3.40 Sony eboot.pbp in the root renamed as 150.PBP and 340.PBP,
and the 360.PSAR on the root too (to know what the 360.PSAR is, read below, in the 3.60 M33 installation section).
- 選項4:安裝帶有3.40模塊的1.5(新P老P均可)
From 1.50 it will be extracted most modules, usually the software related ones.
From 3.40, it will be extracted a few modules, usually hardware modules.
From 3.60, it will only be extracted the wlan bios of the slim chip.
Known problems or considerations of the 1.50+3.40hw:
- The media doesn't work fine in the XMB (music, videos, etc).
Yeah, this is known, anyways the main purpose of this firmware is to run homebrew,
as for XMB usage is better to use a more modern one.
- The "videocodec bug", aka crappy pmf play, only happening in the slim.
For some hw incompatibilty that coudln't been resolved yet, pmf videos, including
the gameboot, will play crappily in the slim.
This will happen also in 1.5 games you try to run, videos will play crappily.
Because PMPAVC videos also use the videocodec API, they will play crappily too.
Normal pmp (xvid) (used on pimpstreamer too) will play fine however as they are decoded by cpu.
- XMB不可播放音頻視頻,畢竟安裝混合系統主要是為了運行自製軟件,如果用XMB的話還是用新系統的吧
- 新P播放pmf會卡,包括gameboot.pmf,目前這個問題還沒有解決。
- The exit with home with "odd colors" bug.
When exiting with home from a homebrew or game, you may see random colors at the end of the framebuffer.
Nothing important, it even gives it an accidental stylistic look :)
- The PC os may detect the PSP slim as a new device.
This is normal, psp slim has a different product id (pid), but 1.5 usb driver uses only the old phat
pid. Nothing important, the usb will work fine in the slim.
- Wlan. The wlan seems to be working, it has been tested using the network update download, and
pimpstreamer 201 for 1.50.
- 按HOME鍵退出會有詭異的顏色,不要驚慌。
- 新P連接電腦可能會被檢測為新的USB設備。這是正常的,USB仍然可以正常使用。
However two things are recommended:
* Turn off the wlan power save.
* Use manual IP and DNS configuration (otherwise you may have DNS problems).
If you don't know the manual configuration for your router, just do an automatic connection
in a higher firmware, and write somewhere the data that appear in the test page at the end,
and use that info to fill the manual configuration in 1.50+3.40 hw.
* As in normal 1.50, there is no WPA support.
* 在XMB中關閉wlan power save選項
* 使用手動IP和DNS設置(不然DNS會有問題),如果你不知道怎麼手動設置,就在高系統版本下自動檢測連接,然後把連接的參數記錄下來在1.50和3.40混合系統裡手動輸入
* 在1.5里沒有WPA支持
- Homebrew that uses some patching code over some of the module that are from 3.40,
will not work and will probably crash. This is obvious, they were coded to patch 1.50 modules :)
- 對3.40的一些模塊使用補充代碼的自製軟件不能運行,這是必然的,因為本來是用來補充1.5模塊的
- Option 5: Install 3.40 OE.
It will install original 3.40 OE which can only be booted on the phat.
Requeriments: 1.50 and 3.40 Sony eboot.pbp on the root as 150.PBP and 340.PBP
- 選項5:安裝3.40 OE
- Option 6: Install 3.60 M33.
It will install original 3.60 M33, that can only be run on slim.
Requeriments: 360.PSAR on the root.
Because there is no 3.60 eboot on the net as the slim was shipped directly with 3.60,
the 360.PSAR is a file that has to be created on a psp running 3.60 M33.
To dump 3.60: run the program 360DUMPER that is in this release in a psp running 3.60 M33.
The result 360.PSAR is a file that uses the decrypted psar format
(what a sce psar would look without encryption), that was already used in 3.51/3.52 M33, and
it will have following size and md5 (checked anyways by the tm installer):
Size: 18189502 bytes.
MD5: EAA13343C70D9B0337C75B295474C69A
- 選項6: 安裝3.60 M33
Size: 18189502 bytes.
MD5: EAA13343C70D9B0337C75B295474C69A
再就是必須要格式化記憶棒,有些人是用PSPchina的那種3步傻瓜包程序製作的,這裡一定請注意,先一二三步製作一遍,把製作出來的elf和kd文件夾複製出來,再重複第一步和第二步,這時不要製作第三步。接下去用潘多拉原始程序Pandora's Battery Firm. Installer去生成msipl.bin文件,否則你得到的msipl.bin很可能不對,注意msipl.bin大小為236KB,而不是那種14KB或16KB大小的。到此為止,你再使用時光機器第二項就不會出錯了。完成後再安裝1.50系統或3.40系統再或者別的什麼系統就隨便你自己選了。