2011年2月13日 星期日

[屌車集] Volkswagen Golf 24賽車,挑戰2011 Nürburgring 24小時耐久賽

來源:酷車KUmotor http://www.kumotor.com/article_page.php?owt01=20110214115552142

編譯 / 高銘壯

Volkswagen前一次參加世界知名的Nürburgring 24小時耐久賽,已經要追溯到2007年的時候,當年以300hp輸出前驅車款Scirocco GT24參加這項賽事,最終僅獲得第八名的成績。時隔三年之後,Volkswagen決定在今年再度挑戰這項全世界最嚴苛的耐久賽事,因為正逢Golf車款面世35週年紀念,因此特別選擇Golf為參賽車款,推出今年Nürburgring 24小時耐久賽參賽車Golf24。

Golf24的動力系統來自一具2.5升渦輪增壓五缸引擎,提供了高達440ps/55.1kgm的輸出性能,同時也配置了六速序列式變速箱,以及全時四輪驅動系統。為了準備這項賽事,從去年開始,Volkswagen Golf24賽車就已經在葡萄牙Portimão賽道,以及義大利Vallelunga賽進行測試工作。

Volkswagen賽事部門主管Kris Nissen表示,全新的Golf24賽車,代表我們對於參加Nürburgring 24小時耐久賽的承諾。這是一項極富盛名,並且相當嚴苛的經典賽事,也代表汽車技術的一項挑戰。今年是Golf誕生35週年,我們也希望藉由參加這項賽事,強調Golf在性能方面的表現,比賽將在今年6月23-26日展開。


Volkswagen Golf24

The iconic Golf GTI turns 35 in 2011 and boy has Volkswagen got a ripping birthday present in store. The Golf24, the scary beauty you see before you is that present. It’s Volkswagen’s latest balls out Nürburgring 24 hour race project.

“With the new Golf24 we are continuing our successful commitment at the Nürburgring 24-hour race. The event enjoys huge popularity, is one of the true classics in motorsport and, due to its extreme distance and unique race track, also represents a very big technical challenge,” says Volkswagen Motorsport Director Kris Nissen.

That big technical challenge involves a 440hp/540Nm engine and a race-tuned all-wheel drive system. The engine is a 2.5 litre turbo five cylinder (thanks to Audi for that) and the Golf24 has already seen test miles in Portugal and Italy.

The Golf24 will also see more test miles in a trio of VLN races before the big 24 hour enduro in late June.

Volkswagen Golf24

Volkswagen Golf24

Volkswagen Golf24

Volkswagen Golf24

Volkswagen Golf24

Volkswagen Golf24

Volkswagen Golf24

